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Patient and family Rights
- To be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with professional standards for all patients regardless of manner of payment, race, age, sex, nationality, religion, culture, disability or any other factor.
- To be well informed of the identity of your treating physician and other members of the healthcare team and their performance.
- To choose the treating physician you want and to request for a second opinion without compromising care or treatment.
- To be informed of your medical condition, confirmed diagnosis, treatment plan, possible significant complications or unintended outcomes, required follow-up care, as well as alternative treatments.
- To receive detailed explanation and proper information in a manner and language you understand.
- To receive care on the basis of clinical needs.
- To receive emergency medical care and treatment easily and promptly.
- To have your pain assessed and managed appropriately and adequately in a com- passionate way.
- To be assured of privacy during physical examination, diagnostic procedures, clinical care/treatment according to your religious and social customs and beliefs through:
- Having the right to decide what to wear unless it interferes with the procedure.
- Requesting the presence of any person from your own gender.
- Requesting for transfer to a different room if the circumstance allow for a change of room.
- Having the right to refuse the exposure of your body part(s) unless it interferes with the medical investigation or procedure.
- To be informed that patient information is protected and kept confidential through:
- Not publishing the information in public places.
- Confidential discussion of the patient condition among the healthcare team.
- Restricting access to the patient’s medical record from unauthorized individuals (inside or outside albayat medical tower) unless permitted by the patient, law or legislative body.
- To be protected from physical assault by visitors, other patients and staff while inside albayat medical tower premises.
- To participate in decision making in all aspects of your care and decision as permit- ted by Al Bayat Medical tower policies and Saudi Arabian law.
- To refuse recommended treatment or leave albayat medical tower against advice but must accept responsibility for the consequences of that decision.
- To informed consents (verbal and written) for treatment, procedures and interven- tions.
- To not be transferred to another unit within albayat medical tower or outside to another healthcare provider without your agreement with the explanation of the reasons for the transfer.
- To receive proper and understandable education regarding the safe use of medica- tions.
- To receive necessary information for continuity of care after discharge or referral.
- To have any complaint you make to be acknowledged, investigated and be provid- ed with feedback as per albayat medical tower policy.
- To be fully informed by the healthcare team about any requested information, including answers to inquiries.
- To be informed of how to contact care providers in case of emergency.
- To be provided with respectful and compassionate care at the end of life.
- .To be informed about albayat medical tower policies, rules and regulations.
- To be informed about the fees and costs of all albayat medical tower services and procedures necessary for the provision of care and to be given details of albayat medical tower bills..
- The rights of AIDS patients are not different from the rights of patients in general.
- The patients has Rights to know before signing an agreement about the deductible pay, and any additional payments if any outside the scope of their insurance policy, before receiving the service.
Patient and family RESPONSIBILIties
- To provide complete and accurate information about personal details, pastmedical history, present illness, medications taken, any known allergies and other pertinent matters related to your health status.
- To treat albayat medical tower staff, other patients and visitors with respect and courtesy.
- To follow the care plan during treatment and post-discharge.
- To inform the healthcare team of any unexpected or untoward changes in your health status.
- To be accountable for the consequences arising from refusal of medical treatment and advice.
- To safeguard all valuables and belongings you decided to keep in your possession during hospitalization.
- To make, keep and cancel outpatient appointments in a timely manner.
- To provide accurate information about your insurance coverage.
- To follow all albayat medical tower policies, rules and regulations(e.g. visiting hours, smoking policy, etc.).
- To use albayat medical tower facilities and equipment safely and appropriately.
- To meet your financial obligations regarding your hospitalization.
- Respect for albayat medical tower staff and other patients
All Clinic
Saturday to Thursday :
9:00am – 12:00pm
4:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday to Thursday :
9:00am – 9:00pm